News Quiz
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
Have you been paying attention to the people and events making headlines this week?

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1. Omar Mateen, the terrorist who carried out the Orlando slaughter, visited which Muslim nation in 2011 and 2012?
2. Which member of Congress actually asserted that Mateen's act was 'not about ISIS?'
3. The Department of Homeland Security wants an agency-wide ban on certain words that are 'religiously charged.' Which word does DHS plan to forbid?
4. More than 50 State Department diplomats signed a memo voicing their objection to administration policy in which nation?
5. When was the last time Congress formally declared war on another nation?
6. The track and field team from which country has been banned from competing in the upcoming Rio Olympics?
7. When Americans are asked about their confidence in various segments of society, which two are at record lows?
8. After a long and expensive political fight, Philadelphia has become the first big city in America to enact a tax on what?
9. Which radio host is about to retire after more than 40 years on the air?
10. A hot dog brand is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Which?