O'Reilly Talks NFL Vaccination Policies On Jason Whitlock's 'Fearless'
September 2, 2021
Bill showed up on sports journalist Jason Whitlock's BlazeTV show "Fearless" Wednesday where he discussed Afghanistan, vaccinations, and more.

Your humble correspondent also commented on the National Football League's Covid policies, in particular, former New England Patriot's quarterback Cam Newton's dismissal from the team.

"I don't think this has to do with the vax, it has to do with his diminishing abilities on the field," Bill said, calling his release a "business decision."

Bill also boldly declared that he would make vaccinations mandatory for players if he was the commissioner of the NFL.

To hear why he would mandate them to NFL players, watch O'Reilly's appearance above.

Posted by BOR Staff at 5:39 PM
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O'Reilly Talks NFL Vaccination Policies On Jason Whitlock's 'Fearless'
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