Americans have had Enough of the Progressive Movement
October 6, 2021

With every passing day, it becomes more apparent that the Biden administration is the Baltimore Orioles of politics, which is a complete disaster.

I am also sensing growing anger against the far-left, which is seeking to destroy fundamental freedoms and replace them with "woke" social justice mandates.

Saturday Night Live's opening episode was the lowest-rated in that program's history. Without Trump to bash, there's no audience for leftist satire. SNL is in trouble.

So, too, are the three liberal late-night talk show hosts who are all dying in the ratings. Ditto CNN and MSNBC. Add it all up and Americans are signaling they've had enough of the progressive movement,

Tonight on the No Spin News, a shocking Joe Biden situation. That's our lead. See you beginning at six eastern.


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Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 7:08 AM
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