Bill O'Reilly
February 24, 2016
Cruz on Illegal Immigration

Both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have said on The Factor that, if elected, they’d arrest and immediately deport every illegal immigrant in the country.  But is that legal?  We’ll tell you tonight on The Factor.

Cruz told The Factor on Feb. 22 he would apprehend and deport all illegal immigrants in the country. The Factor challenged Cruz on the feasibility of his plan because illegal immigrants are entitled to due process. Cruz said that as a lawyer he knew his plan was on solid legal ground.

"I have spent my entire process as a constitutional lawyer," Cruz said. "So, federal law requires a biometric entry-exit system on visas. The Obama Administration refuses to enforce federal law. As President, I will put that in place, so we will know the day someone overstays their visa, we will be able to send law enforcement to apprehend them and send them home." 

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