Bill O'Reilly
July 19, 2017
Bill O'Reilly on the The Liberal Press's Dishonest Reporting about Trump and Putin

The Liberal Press’s Dishonest Reporting about Trump and Putin

Back on July 7 at the G20 Summit in Germany, President Trump had a previously un-reported second meeting with Russian President Vladmir Putin. 

The left-leaning press has gone wild with the revelation, and Bill says it’s the prime example of the unfairness of the press towards President Trump. 

“Everybody on CNN and MSNBC and the liberal newspapers, ‘Oh! An un-authorized meeting. Oh!,’” Bill said. 

Bill then explains what really happened. First Lady Melania Trump was sitting next to Mr. Putin at a dinner for world leaders, and Mr. Trump and Putin simply struck up a conversation when the president went to speak to his wife. 

“Putin and Trump wonder off the table a little bit and they have a conversation,” Bill said. “Anybody would do that. Any world leader would do that. It’s nothing to be concerned about. It’s not sinister, it’s not incompetent, it’s not any of that.”

Bill then called much of the press coverage “garbage” for the wild speculation on what the two world leaders said to one another. 

“If Trump had refused to speak with Putin, that would have been disrespectful,” Bill said. “Then, he would have been accused of creating an incident.” 

Posted by Bill O'Reilly