Bill O'Reilly
April 4, 2024
Climate Change
Global warming has arrived here in the northeast. It's been raining all week, so much so that arks are being hastily constructed. Arks, as in Noah. You remember him, right? Big beard, animals following him around?  
Climate change is now pretty much accepted, allowing totalitarians another pathway to achieve full government control. Every time Mother Nature vents, it's Exxon's fault.  Too hot?  The coal people did it. Excessive rain? That's on your oven. Windy, let's string up those private jet owners.
Except John Kerry. The climate czar needs the big gas-guzzling jet to fly around, telling everybody not to use jets.
I just heard thunder, so now I'm mad at the heating oil delivery guy. Some nerve. Don't people have jackets? Fossil fuels are unacceptable.
Confession. I do believe the world is getting hotter because I can read atmospheric data. Went to Harvard. Luckily, I was there in the 1990s when data was allowed. Now, it's racist.
The climate change thing presents a nice opportunity for big government progressives to scare everyone. The rain will soon drown you if you don't obey government mandates. That's the play.
Noah took direction directly from God, or so the Old Testament says. Might be an allegory. But we Americans are hearing it from Joe Biden who may be meeting the Deity soon but is not a relative.
Joe is spending hundreds of billions to control climate change. It's not going to work because China and India won't cooperate.  Finland will but it's not enough.
A cleaner planet is a good thing but government oppression is not. Life is often a trade off. Think about it.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly