Bill O'Reilly
August 13, 2018
The Oppressive Politically Correct Forces

In a recent speech delivered in Colorado, Dr. Edward Erler, professor Emeritus at California State University said this: “Diversity, of course, marches under the banner of tolerance, but is a bastion of intolerance. It enforces its ideological liberalism with an iron fist that is driven by political correctness, the most ingenious and insidious device for suppressing freedom of speech and political dissent ever invented.”

The professor is not speaking about providing opportunity for all Americans when he uses the word “diversity.” Rather he is pointing out that if you oppose government irresponsibility in the arena of minority groups, you will be labeled a bigot and/or an abuser by far left zealots.

Certainly, this is true.

It is beyond reasonable debate that illegal immigration violates US law. It does. Yet if you call for strict enforcement, you are labeled the problem in the liberal precincts.

Likewise, it is simply common sense that people who sell hard narcotics like heroin and meth are putting fellow human beings in grave danger. Yet if you oppose leniency for pushers, you are a bigot because so many people of color are convicted of drug dealing.

Politically correct tenets demand that laws, traditions, and moral belief systems be put aside. “Woke” (enlightenment) is all that matters. It’s a rigged system designed to obliterate dissent as Dr. Erler points out.

Most Americans are confused by what is happening right before their eyes but we at are not. We clearly understand the oppressive PC forces and their current rampage. It is important that you spread the word about the threat of the PC culture.

More tonight on the No Spin News. Thanks for visiting us today.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly