Premium Member Exclusive: Bill & Beck's Full Monday Interview
June 26, 2017

Beck & Bill Tackle a Witch's Brew of Issues

Three days after Bill was interrogated by Glenn Beck on The Blaze Radio, Beck returned the favor and joined Bill with some of his musings. 

Beck first laid out his proposition for what a "fair" health care system would entail.  "If we need to take care of people at the bottom end," he said, "then we look at Medicare and Medicaid.  We get them the health care they need, and then the job of the government is to get out of the way and make business as prosperous as it can be.  But now we have government getting involved in pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies.  People are getting rich in those companies, but it's screwing the rest of America." 

He also took aim at President Obama's Affordable Care Act:  "Premiums have gone up 140% since ObamaCare was started, something is very wrong.  The idea of insurance is supposed to be that we are all in a pool together and hope that most of us won't get cancer.  We pay premiums to help people who do.  Everyone should have to buy insurance." 

Moving to the topic of civility, and the lack thereof, Beck brought up one particularly bizarre example of Trump-hatred:  "There were 2,000 witches on Facebook casting spells last week against Donald Trump.  That's a ridiculous example, but some of those people were very serious and you're messing with some dark stuff.  I happen to believe in good and evil, and it's disturbing to me that so many on the left will laugh this off without recognizing that a good number of people take this very seriously, while many on the right find it dark and dangerous.  We don't speak the same language!"

Beck also opined on President Trump's allegation that President Obama knew that Russia was trying to interfere with our election long before November.  "The NSA and CIA clearly knew this was going on, but Barack Obama, like George W. Bush, chose to look at Russia as a friend and an ally.  Remember that Barack Obama mocked Mitt Romney when he said Russia was our number one geopolitical foe.  They allowed this to happen, and now the Democrats are accusing the Trump administration of being in bed with Russia.  The Obama administration was in bed with Russia and they were selling uranium to Russia."  Bill pointed out that President Obama's inaction damaged his preferred successor:  "This had political implications that hurt Hillary Clinton.  Barack Obama allowed that to unfold and didn't say a word, which is pretty stunning." 

Beck also registered a major complaint about Bill's booming publishing empire.  "I went into a book store," he jested, "and I tried to avoid Bill O'Reilly books, but I couldn't.  Barnes & Noble, which has become 'Bill & Noble,' is selling only puzzle books and coloring books and Bill O'Reilly books.  I'm almost disgusted by it."  Beck survived that harrowing ordeal and emerged from the store with a few coloring books, which should keep him occupied for days.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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Premium Member Exclusive: Bill & Beck's Full Monday Interview
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