Storm Clouds for Hillary Clinton
August 19, 2015

Some political analysts now believe former Secretary of State Clinton will not be able to complete her run for president.

That's because the FBI is now investigating her email situation and things are getting serious.

Yesterday Fox News Correspondent Ed Henry questioned Mrs. Clinton.

ED HENRY: “The FBI believes that you tried to wipe the entire server.”

[Hillary shrugs]

ED HENRY: “Did you try to wipe the entire server so that there’d be no personal, no official … wipe the whole thing?”

HILLARY CLINTON: “My personal emails are my personal business, right?  So I, we, went through a painstaking process and turned over 55,000 pages of anything we thought could be work related.  Under the law, that decision is made by the official.  I was the official.”


ED HENRY: “You were the official in charge, did you wipe the server?”

HILLARY CLINTON: “What? With like a cloth or something, no, well no.”

ED HENRY: “I don’t know – you know how it works digitally -- did you try to wipe the whole server?”

HILLARY CLINTON: “I don’t know how it works digitally at all.”

Even if that's true -- and I tend to believe that Hillary Clinton did not know the technical details -- she was in charge of her correspondence, therefore she is responsible as the former director of the national security agency points out.

MICHAEL HAYDEN, FORMER NSA DIRECTOR: “The sin here is the original sin.  The original sin is actually co-mingling the two accounts and not using a government email server. ((EDIT)) I’m stunned that her staff allowed her to do that in 2009 given the unhappy outcome that was guaranteed.”

Talking Points believes Mrs. Clinton's staff has little say over what she does.

Now the polling data is dubious for Mrs. Clinton.

A recent CNN poll put forth the following:

Do you have a favorable opinion of Hillary Clinton?

  • 44% -- yes
  • 53% -- no

That favorable is down nine points since March.

Do you think Hillary Clinton did anything wrong in the email situation?

  • 56% say she did do something wrong
  • 39% say she did not

Then the CNN poll compared Hillary Clinton to some of the Republicans running for president.

  • Clinton -- 51%
  • Donald Trump -- 45%


  • Clinton -- 52%
  • Jeb Bush -- 43%


  • Clinton -- 52%
  • Scott Walker -- 46%


  • Clinton -- 53%
  • Carly Fiorina -- 43%

So you can see that the former secretary of state remains an option for some Americans.

But that option is eroding quickly.

A Fox News poll asked, did Hillary Clinton lie about the emails?

  • 58% say yes
  • 33% -- no

The issue will come to a head when the FBI issues its report in a few months.

There can be no cover up with the intense media scrutiny.

Talking Points believes President Obama is not invested in Hillary Clinton's success, therefore he is likely to remain on the sidelines.

Unlike other matters like the IRS scandal in which the president obviously did not want the truth to come out.

However, it would be foolish for any serious person to discount Hillary Clinton.  She is a savvy and determined candidate.

But she has never experienced anything like this, and that's saying something.

And that's the memo.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 9:07 PM
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Storm Clouds for Hillary Clinton
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