Bill O'Reilly
July 6, 2011
Bill O'Reilly: Vile Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty of Murdering Her 2-Year-Old Daughter Caylee

By Bill O'Reilly

The vile Casey Anthony found not guilty of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee - that is the subject of the "Talking Points" memo. I say Miss Anthony is vile because for 30 days she did not report her baby missing -- 30 days. In that time, the sociopathic Anthony partied hard, got a tattoo and generally ignored the plight of her missing two-year-old who was later found dead in a swamp. Those are facts beyond a reasonable doubt.

Reasonable doubt in the murder, maybe? I will not condemn the jury in that matter. That would be unfair. Let's hear from them before we make any judgments. The problem is the jury doesn't want to explain the verdict to us.


KAREN LEVEY, COURT MEDIA LIASON: At this time there are no jurors interested in speaking to any members of the media. They do, however, have your packets and they've asked for their privacy and they will contact you if they are interested in speaking to you.


Well, perhaps some jury members are too exhausted to explain at this point. Perhaps some of them are looking for money to talk. They did convict Casey Anthony, a narcissistic woman, of lying to investigators who are trying to find her baby. So why would Miss Anthony lie? Another compelling question for the jury.

"Talking Points" believes that little Caylee Anthony has been victimized again. Perhaps that could not have been helped but Caylee was an American entitled to protection. Her mother obviously did not provide that and now the justice system has failed as well because we still don't know what happened to the little girl.

The villain in the case remains Casey Anthony. She knows what happened and after the verdict was announced she smiled and giggled and generally behaved inappropriately in the courtroom, again, putting herself above the central theme, the brutal death of her child.

Here is some reaction this afternoon:


JOSE BAEZ, CASEY ANTHONY'S DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Casey did not murder Caylee. It's that simple. And today our system of justice has not dishonored her memory by a false conviction.

LAWSON LAMAR, PROSECUTOR: This was a dry bones case. It's very, very difficult to prove. The delay in recovering little Caylee's remains worked to our considerable disadvantage. Our mountain of evidence did not eliminate, in the jury's view, every reasonable doubt.


So let's get down to it. The prosecution presented solid evidence, a chloroform residue was found in Casey Anthony's car. Also a hair recovered from that car was similar to those found at Caylee's death site. Casey Anthony never called 911 about her daughter. She lied about a baby sitter stealing Caylee. She lied to her mother about Caylee's whereabouts, saying she was at Disney World among other places. And she lied about a bunch of other things like visiting a rich boyfriend with Caylee. No such boyfriend exists.

Again, why would any parent of a missing child lie to investigators trying to find that child? On the defense side, the autopsy couldn't conclude the cause of death and doubts were raised about the forensic evidence.

What the case really comes down to is this: easonable doubt. There was no smoking gun and no eyewitness. What is certain is that the adult in direct charge of a two-year-old cannot explain what happened to her. She did not even try to find out what happened and misled those trying to do so.

And that's "The Memo."


As I mentioned before, I like to go to different places on vacation, often spots I haven't been to in awhile. So last week, i arrived at the Rocky Mountain National Park, northern Colorado, and stayed at the Lane Guest Ranch. Great experience, horseback riding -- I have saddle sores. I swear, I have saddle sores. River rafting, hiking, you get the picture. I need a nap. Great experience with people at the Lane Ranch outside of the Rocky Mountain National Park are patriots.

On the pinhead front, as you know, we do daily word of the day here on "The Factor," but we don't tell you what the word means. That separates us from some.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There's this great, you know, moment when Jefferson -- Franklin says, "If I could be preserved in a vat of Madeira wine and reawakened in two or --100, 200 years or so, I'd really like to see how this country turns out."

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, ABC NEWS: Didn't he also say -- and you wrote about this, he was amazingly perspicacious when this Constitution was signed -- he stood up and he said, "Well, I don't know whether it's the best. It might be the best."


Well, that was a little condescending, put the definition of "perspicacious" up there. I know it's not widely known. But come on: the viewers can look it up. They do here. Just seems a little snooty. Perspicacious. A little definition. Like you're too stupid to know it.

We don't do that. We present the word, and you look it up if you don't know it. Pinheads.

- You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Pinheads & Patriots" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to:

Transcript Date: 
Tue, 07/05/2011
Transcript Show Name: 
O'Reilly Factor
Posted by Staff