Bill O'Reilly
August 7, 2013
Laura Ingraham: Fear and loathing at the newsstand

By Laura Ingraham

It was shock and awe for the "The Washington Post" yesterday. When it was announced that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos bought the paper for a mere $250 million.

Now, in the past three weeks two other former media giants "Newsweek" and the "Boston Globe" were also sold in fire sales. These publications have been running enormous operating losses for years and advertisers and subscribers have fled in huge numbers.

Now, sure the decline of these print media outlets generally tracks the rise of Internet and cable and certainly some of the old dinosaurs were not exactly fast to innovate and to figure out how to harness the power of online journalism.

But one of the driving factors in their decline was the fact that all of these publications reflected a single mind set. They were managed by secular progressives, edited by secular progressives and written by secular progressives for a public that was anything but.

And for decades, they used their monopoly power to push their agenda, regardless of what their customers wanted. Before the early to mid-1990s, Americans didn't have much of a choice in how they got their news. Well now they do. They can go to Drudge, to pick and choose from hundreds of publications that suit their sensibilities. You can go to or to sites like my own just to name a few. Expect to see more newspapers get sold off or die out because of their rigid adherence to ideology and their selective reporting.

And as for Mr. Bezos who by the way is a liberal guy and a very generous Obama supporter, I'll give him his first scoop. Americans whose values are ignored or routinely ridiculed by ideologically-driven news organizations aren't going to pay to keep the insults coming. The cross word in the sports pages just aren't that important anymore.

And that's "The Memo."

Transcript Date: 
Tue, 08/06/2013
Transcript Show Name: 
O'Reilly Factor
Posted by Staff