Bill O'Reilly
June 21, 2011
Bill O'Reilly: The Presidential Election and the Media

By Bill O'Reilly

There is no question in my mind that the upcoming presidential campaign will be the most media intensive in the nation's history. That means the press will be trying to sway your vote, and both the Democrats and Republicans know that.

The White House believes that the Fox News Channel will actively support the Republican Party; therefore we have seen media attacks on FNC stepped up over the last few months. We have also seen lavish praise by some in the media for the most vicious far-left press people around. Again, that is by design.

Over the weekend on "Fox News Sunday," Chris Wallace challenged Jon Stewart on the liberal media:


CHRIS WALLACE, HOST, "FOX NEWS SUNDAY": You don't think The New York Times is a liberal organization?


WALLACE: Pushing a liberal agenda?

STEWART: The New York Times, no. I think they are to a certain extent. Do I think they're relentlessly activist? No. In a purely liberal partisan way? No, I don't.


Mr. Stewart is desperately wrong about The New York Times. Throughout the newspaper, they have at least 10 times as many liberal columnists as conservatives or moderates. Ten times. So the paper is obviously promoting a left-wing agenda. Gay marriage, abortion rights, wealth redistribution, global warming: you name the liberal issue, the New York Times energetically promotes it.

For Mr. Stewart to not understand that is perplexing. But Stewart was correct about one thing. He himself is not in the business of promoting liberalism.


STEWART: Here is the difference between you and I. I'm a comedian first. My comedy is informed by an ideological background. There's no question about that. The thing that you will never understand and the thing that in some respects conservative activists will never understand is that Hollywood, yes, they're liberal. But that's not their primary motivating force. I'm not an activist. I'm a comedian.


That's true. The primary motivating force in Hollywood and for most in show business is money. But what Mr. Stewart did not say is that his audience is overwhelmingly liberal; therefore his material often reflects that. He plays to the crowd, as all comedians must do. But to his credit, Mr. Stewart makes an attempt to be fair. Occasionally he skewers President Obama and other left-wing ideologues.

Bottom line: Stewart is in business to be successful, not to move the nation to the left. The larger issue is that most of the media is activist liberal. They are dedicated to swaying popular opinion, not reporting the news. And that gives President Obama a major advantage because the liberal press sympathizes with him.

Throughout the upcoming campaign, you will see ideology in play. But not here on "The Factor." We will deal the election hand in a fair way, and if we don't, let me know. I will read your letter on the air.

And that's "The Memo."

Pinheads & Patriots

Remember Van Jones? He was appointed head of President Obama's push to create so-called green jobs. After he was outed by Glenn Beck as a very far-left guy and a 9/11 truther, Mr. Jones was forced to resign. Now he goes all over the place bashing FNC:


VAN JONES, FORMER GREEN JOBS CZAR IN OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: I've had all I can stand of FOX TV, and I can't stand no more.


Now, there's no point in playing any more of that because it's the same theme. But what is outrageous is not the attack on Fox News; it's Jones' poor grammar. "I can't stand no more." What is that? He was in the White House working. Jones is a pinhead.

On the patriot front, our pal Bill Hemmer showed up at the Mets game over the weekend and threw out the first pitch because it was Fox Fan Night, whereupon Hemmer was immediately signed by the Mets, who need some bullpen help. We look forward to seeing Bill on the mound in the coming weeks. Got to get a jersey that fits him though. He's a patriot and paid me very handsomely to do that bit.

— You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Pinheads & Patriots" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to:

Transcript Date: 
Mon, 06/20/2011
Transcript Show Name: 
O'Reilly Factor
Posted by Staff