Bill O'Reilly
February 20, 2019
O'Reilly on Hannity: NYT Bogus Report; The Washington Post in Major Trouble; Bill's New Book
OReilly on Hannity: NYT Bogus Report; The Washington Post in Major Trouble; Bills New Book
O'Reilly on Hannity: NYT Bogus Report; The Washington Post in Major Trouble; Bill's New Book

Each Wednesday Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity discuss and debate the biggest stories of the day. This week, O’Reilly and Hannity set the focus on the media’s reaction to some big recent stories.

The media did no fact checking regarding the Covington Catholic students story that erupted. Now, one of the teens have filed a law suit against The Washington Post for $250 million. Both O’Reilly and Hannity believe that the student has a strong case and will have the Washington Post writing a big check. 

“This case is going to really damage Jeff Bezos and The Washington Post… The Washington Post is in major trouble,” Bill O’Reilly stated as he predicted the outcome of this lawsuit.

The media has ruined this kid’s life and they will pay for it. No jury will allow this reporting to slip through and the actuality of the events that led to this explosive event will come out.

Next, the New York Times report that convicts President Trump, yet again, of obstruction of justice. The story is full of anonymous sources and lacks in facts and substance. Bill describes the article as “buying land in the Sahara Desert. It means nothing.” There must be an act in order to obstruct justice and there is no evidence of any act committed by President Trump.

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