Bill O'Reilly
August 18, 2021
President Biden Taking Friendly Fire
With just 20 percent of Americans now telling pollsters they trust the corporate media, the communication chieftains know they are in trouble. With Donald Trump sidelined and liberal leaders having trouble everywhere, there is a slight reassessment going on at the leftist newspapers and TV agencies.

Governor Andrew Cuomo was the first liberal leader to feel it as the media turned on him. His lead antagonist, New York Attorney General Leticia James, is a politician far to the left of Cuomo. So, the corporate poohbahs have no trouble backing her and exiling old Andy.

But now the stunning incompetence of President Biden is on full display and the media who elevated him to the White House is beginning to turn on him. Slightly. Temporarily.  

The media has covered for Biden on the border-collapse but they can’t bury the Afghanistan debacle. Thus, the President is taking some friendly fire.

Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll get into this. How long will media criticism of Biden last? See you beginning at six eastern.

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Posted by Bill O'Reilly