Swamp Victory
July 13, 2023

It was annoying in the extreme to see FBI chief Christopher Wray pretty much walk away from the House Judicial Committee hearing unscathed.

Now, I have nothing against Wray personally, but on his watch, the FBI has descended into political turmoil.

Democrats on the committee could not care less and spent their time bashing Trump and MAGA. Boring and unproductive.

Republicans wanted to make speeches about how bad the FBI is instead of pinning Wray down with specific, simple questions.

Here are a few:

- The FBI had advanced information that a violent action might take place on January 6 at the Capitol. Who was alerted, and why was no action taken by the Bureau?

- Twitter executives say the FBI visited them and suggested they censor news about Hunter Biden's laptop. Did you know about that, Mr. Wray?

- An FBI informant told the Bureau he had evidence then Vice President Biden took money from Hunter and Jim Biden. Agents put those allegations into a memo that you refused to share with Congressional investigators. Why?

- Are those Biden allegations currently under investigation?

- And finally, did the IRS request FBI assistance in the Hunter Biden tax investigation?

Incredibly, Wray was not asked those simple questions.

The swamp wins again.

See you this evening for the No Spin News.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 1:53 AM
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