Bill O'Reilly
August 1, 2017
Bill O'Reilly and Bernie Goldberg on the Anti-Trump Media

Bernie Goldberg on the Anti-Trump Media 

Bill has a new column on and where he argues that no matter what President Trump does, many in the press will only try to get him removed from office. 

Bill brought on Bernie Goldberg to discuss the column. 

“You’re 100% right that there are people in the so-called mainstream media that will not rest until President Trump is out of office,” Bernie said. “They don’t like him, and they will emphasize the negative and downplay the positive.” 

But Bernie argued that Bill was leaving part of the story out because President Trump brings much of the negative attention on himself. 

“I’m willing to say the media is despicable and this president is despicable,” Bernie said. 

Bill said Gen. Kelly’s appointment as chief of staff changes the discussion about the Trump presidency. 

“That signals to me that finally Donald Trump is putting someone in as chief of staff who he is going to have to listen to,” Bill said. 

Bill then pointed to the Scaramucci firing as another example of the Trump administration shifting course. 

Bernie was much harsher on Scaramucci, who Bill said made only one mistake by doing the New Yorker interview. 

“Anybody who picks a Scaramucci for that job deserves what he gets,” Bernie said. 

Bill joked that he was “a big guy with a rough mouth” so he sympathized with Scaramucci. 

Bill then pointed out that Donald Trump put Kelly in an extremely powerful position.

“John Kelly could make or break Donald Trump’s presidency,” Bill said. “If Kelly were to walk out next week and say it’s a mad house and I can’t work with the man, it’s over.” 

Bill said the Kelly hiring signals Trump understands his position and that he is willing to listen Kelly, and President Trump deserves credit for those two things. 

“I am willing to give him credit for doing that,” Bernie said. 

Bill then argued that no one in the mainstream media would report that the Kelly hiring showed President Trump was potentially on a new course. 

Bill and Bernie also discussed how the inability for Trump to repeal Obamacare was a breaking point for even some of President Trump’s most ardent supporters. 

Bill said Gen. John Kelly as chief of staff is a “fascinating story that signals to me, an honest man, that Trump is finally getting it and he’s going to try to change it dramatically and let Kelly run that show in the White House.”

Posted by Bill O'Reilly