Joe Biden is Not Looking Out for the Folks
March 5, 2021
On Thursday’s No Spin News, I explained that I did give President Biden a chance to prove himself because he asked Americans to do that. So I did and I’m glad I did. But the President has quickly demonstrated that he is not looking out for me. Or you. No, he’s pretty much a puppet of progressive forces that want to destroy traditional America.
Here are some facts to back that statement up.

- Mr. Biden is making it easy for foreign nationals to live in the USA without going through the legal immigration process. Why? Will that benefit American workers and taxpayers? If so, how? No reply from Biden.
- Canada and Mexico have voter ID laws. You cannot cast a ballot in those countries without identification. President Biden opposes voter ID. Why? He also supports few restrictions on mail in ballots.
- In the six weeks since Mr. Biden took office, the price of a gallon of gas has risen about 30 percent. That after the President threatened the fossil fuel industry. Is that good for the folks, Mr. President? Gas and home energy prices will continue to rise.
-  Despite Covid transmissions declining, Mr. Biden will not chastise teachers unions that refuse to send members back to the classroom. The President will not criticize a major benefactor to the Democratic Party.
I could go on. And on. And on. But I’m sure you get it. Joe Biden is definitely not looking out for the folks. He’s simply not interested in doing that and has squandered the chance I gave him.
We’ve posted highlights from the No Spin News this week, including an interview with Trump advisor Stephen Miller. Hope you check it out this weekend.

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Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 12:00 AM
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