No Spin News
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hey Premium Members. Welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, the 28th of September 2016. 

I can’t wait for your emails on the Trump interview. We always do the best we can to be fair. I cut him a little slack because he does appear on the program with regularity and we appreciate that, it’s very nice of him to do it. 

Now when I say I cut him a little slack it means that I don’t go into areas that are embarrassing unless there is a public policy component. For example, the Miss Universe thing. I wasn’t going to hit him with that because I don’t know what happened there. 

I don’t know the context of anything other than he was running a business. The business depended on beauty. The contestant who won the crown put on a lot of weight and he didn’t like it. Ok, is that some kind of big scandal? I don’t think so. But harsh words are harsh words. We’ve all said them. 

So when I see that in a situation where this woman obviously has an agenda—I mean she obviously doesn’t like him, and maybe she has good reason not to like him, but how do I know? I don’t. So I’m not going to belabor that. 

Same thing with the birther. We started all that birther, or restarted it, when I asked him a very legitimate question: does he think that issue hurt him among African American voters? That was a legitimate thing. Not “’what took you so long?” or any of this. He did what he did and now voters have to assess whether that was responsible or not. Ok? 

I just don’t think those kinds of issues, the beauty contest, the birther issue, are really what’s paramount in this country right now. 

So when I say I cut him a little slack, that’s what I meant. 

If Hillary Clinton comes on this program, and I do not right now believe she will, but I could be surprised, I’m not going to get into her husband’s adultery. I’m just not. I have policy questions for her. I have things that are very important that I want to ask her that nobody else has asked her. And all these things pertain directly to your lives. 

That other thing, the personal stuff, that’s been done. I don’t need to go back there. 

As I said last night, I applauded Donald Trump for not doing that in the debate. I thought he took the high road. And a guy like that, that’s important for voters to see that he’s capable of taking the high road, because during the primaries all the emphasis was on slash and burn. It worked. 

So anyway, I want to get your emails and your message boards on the Trump interview. This thing in Charlotte, I knew there was more to this story. I was out in L.A., so I couldn’t really get into it too bad out there, but I knew there was more to this story. And those police officers are not going to be charged. I mean, you can’t do that. The guy had a gun on him and he had a prior shooting conviction. And his own wife says he stabbed her. Come on!

You’ve got to just lay back and see what the facts are instead of running out and burning things down. 

That being said, there wasn’t one legitimate protester that burned anything down—they were just thugs. And that’s what happened—the thugs joined the protest and thugs loot and burn.

Thanks for being Premium Members, we’ll talk to you again tomorrow.