Bill O'Reilly
August 10, 2006
Baghdad Joe
The latest causality in Iraq is Senator Joseph Lieberman, an honest man who is the victim of an emotional vote against the chaotic situation in Saddamville. As you know, Lieberman lost the Democratic primary in Connecticut to Ned Lamont, a rich guy who wants to pull American troops out of Iraq right now, the consequences be damned.

Lieberman's defeat is a dangerous sign. Even though some people believe the far left that is currently dominating the Democratic party will ultimately lead it to another presidential defeat, I'm not so sure.

Everyday Americans are certainly frustrated with the war in Iraq; the polls prove that. Slightly more than a third of Americans believe the war is going well. And those folks are wrong—the war in not going well.

According to the private intelligence firm Stratfor, an excellent source of information, Iran now controls many Shia' militias in Iraq and is encouraging the sectarian violence that is making true democracy impossible. As with Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Iranians are ordering up as much violence as possible, believing the United States and Israel lack the will to fight long term.

There is no question that Iran wants to dominate the Gulf oil flow, and it will if it the USA withdraws from Iraq, allowing Iran to become the power behind the scenes. China, especially, is dependent on Iranian oil right now, and if the Iranians begin to call the shots on Iraqi oil exports, Iran increases its power dramatically. With oil as a lever, there would be no stopping Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions.

I don't believe Ned Lamont and those who voted for him understand any of this. Geo-politics is complicated, it requires a sophisticated knowledge of how the world works and an acknowledgment of the evil that Israel and America and the west in general is facing.

The fog that is shrouding the big global picture is the coalition's failure to control terrorism in Iraq. There is no getting around this; the Bush administration has not been able to get Iraq under control and Americans are sick of the whole thing. Thus, quick fix political candidates get traction, while the Bush people continue to look incompetent.

Iran is a true danger to the world. But the world will not confront that country, and now it is emboldened. The crazy Mullahs of Teheran want to kill Jews and Americans and have thousands of thugs at their disposable to carry out that mission. The rise of Islamic fascism is now centered in the Persian police state.

The United States needs a new strategy to deal with this ominous threat. Slugging it out in Iraq may be necessary, but there might be another way. President Bush needs to level with the American people and begin putting this country on a war footing. That means a limited draft and a major commitment to defense. The President needs to shake things up and get people's attention.

Ned Lamont does not frighten the Iranians. He and his fellow travelers will not defend you and your family effectively. Those who voted for Lamont over Lieberman made a major mistake. I suspect a lot more of those wrong-headed decisions are coming.
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