Bill O'Reilly
August 29, 2006
Put Up or Shut Up
The TV Emmy Awards were broadcast a few days ago and it was the usual: a bunch of smug, self-satisfied show biz types cloyingly parading their liberal views in front of an adoring Los Angeles audience. I mean, come on, you show biz people are supposed to be creative—how about something new and exciting: Maybe demonstrating to the country you might have a clue about what's going on in the world.

I am an independent who believes good policy can be found on both the left and the right. For example, Al Gore has the right idea about global warming, and President Bush is correctly defining Islamic fascism. It annoys me greatly that some Americans are so fanatical about ideology that they have lost the ability to think. Many of those Hollywood types mugging to the camera the other night are in that category. Largely dressed in borrowed clothes and spouting borrowed ideas, these people constantly vilify conservatives as complete idiots. How irresponsibly condescending.

So let's be straight here. My money says Tina Fey doesn't know anything about the roots of terrorism or how to prevent the next terror attack. The woman can sneer all day long, but I'll put her on my TV program in a heartbeat if she wants to prove me wrong.

Neil Young can write all the mediocre music he wants about how evil the Bush administration is, but while he is rockin' in the free world, I know it wouldn't be free if Young were in charge.

My pal Jon Stewart and his legion of writers think they're ultra cool and hip because they embrace every left wing cause that comes down the pike. Yeah, you won an Emmy, Stewart, but the fix was in. The choir to whom you preach dominates the award voting. You Daily Show guys can be funny but how many Americans want you people standing between them and Iran? Maybe Larry David, but that's it.

One of the few positives in the Emmy program was host Conan O'Brien, who was funny in a good-natured way. Although he didn't say so, I believe O'Brien understands the absurdity of these entertainers displaying their knee-jerk left-wing politics in an entertainment venue. Even if you're a liberal, you've got to see how obnoxious this is.

So I say this, Bill Maher. You're a witty guy, but out of your league on complicated matters like national security. When you can tell me what Ansar al-Islam was doing in Northern Iraq, then I might watch your HBO show.

When George Clooney can explain exactly how the Pakistani secret police broke a captured al-Qaeda big shot who subsequently gave up the London terrorists arrested for planning an attack on American airliners, then I'll rent "Syriana."

When the pouty Dixie Chicks, who are having big trouble selling concert tickets this summer, can tell me the origin of the Islamic Brotherhood, then I might go to one of their shows.

But I'm not holding my breath on any of these challenges. As the saying goes: Opinions are like lips, everybody has them. But some opinions, like some lips, are razor thin, and there ain't enough collagen in the world to help these misguided showbiz people.
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