Bill O'Reilly
December 7, 2017
Look Out Everybody: Doomsday Is Coming!!!
Look Out Everybody: Doomsday Is Coming!!!

I’m scared. Really, really scared. And I’m seriously thinking of renouncing my citizenship and leaving the United States of America while I still can.

If you have to ask “Why?” I’m guessing you’ve been in a coma and don’t know how the Republican tax bill will wreck our once great country. Don’t take my word for it. Let’s go to an impartial observer — Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader in the House, who says the new tax plan amounts to “Armageddon” and that it’s “the worst bill in the history of Congress.”

Armageddon! The worst bill in American history!! Oh, the humanity!!!

If you want to stay in this wretched country after the Republican Party passes “the worst bill in the history of Congress,” be my guest. But don’t say Nancy didn’t warn you!

Among other things, Ms. Pelosi is concerned about what the new tax bill will do to our huge national debt. This alone qualifies her for a spot on Mt. Rushmore.

The experts say the GOP tax plan would increase the debt by $1 trillion over the next decade. That’s a lot of money, right? Okay, if you want to nit-pick, it’s not as much as the $10 trillion increase that we saw during the eight years of the Obama presidency – but Nancy Pelosi and other liberals were outraged about that too.

Contrary to what conservatives are constantly telling you, when Barack Obama was president, liberal Democrats cared very much about the growing deficit and how at some point it could wreck the national economy. It was on their list of major concerns – just below their anxieties over dirty windshield wipers, dog doo, and crab grass.

So say hello to Kurt Eichenwald, a journalist and author who from time to time offers up his invaluable opinions to friendly audiences on MSNBC, which is a cable news network that is right down the middle when it comes to political commentary. Here’s what Mr. Eichewald tweeted when it became clear the tax bill likely would become law:

“America died tonight. … Millenials: move away if you can. USA is over. We killed it.”

Yes, we killed America. And by “we” I mean “you,” you irresponsible Republicans. So now, we’re all doomed. And I’m starting to hyperventilate.

Okay, let’s get serious. These are the same people who say President Trump is crazy. As we used to say in third grade: “It takes one to know one.”

It’s hard to take these people seriously now that they’ve suddenly become deficit hawks. Now that it’s politically convenient, we’re supposed to believe that doomsday is on the way because we’re adding one trillion dollars to the debt — over 10 years – if it’s even that much?

I might accept that Pelosi and the others who stroll the Left bank really do care about deficits — if (and this is a great big giant “if”) they weren’t busy yawning – that is, when they weren’t busy spending money they didn’t have– during the last $10 trillion.

And they say Donald Trump is unhinged?

Posted by Bernie Goldberg