Bill O'Reilly
August 2, 2017
Bill O'Reilly Says Millennials are Villains Over Their Sense of Entitlement

O’Reilly Says Millennials are villains over their sense of entitlement

Bill O’Reilly has long been criticizing Millennials for their sense of entitlement, and he now has some scientific research to back him up. 

A new article in the publication Psychology Today says young Americans act far more entitled than older citizens. 

On Wednesday’s No Spin News, Bill reads from the article.

"Researchers discovered that large amounts of young people are developing an entitlement complex,” Bill read. “The psychological trend comes from the belief that you are superior to others and are more deserving of certain things. This form of narcissism has significant consequences such a disappointment and a tendency to lash out. Psychology Today reports that some examples of entitlement ranged from the disregard of rules, freeloading, causing inconvenience, and likely to assume the role of a leader when working in groups." 

Bill said the Millennials were the real villains of this story, and pointed to a University of Hampshire study that found youngsters scored 25% higher on issues of entitlement than people ages 40 to 60, and over 50% higher than individuals over the age of 60. 

“This is what I write about in Old School: Life in the Sane Lane,” Bill said.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly