Bill O'Reilly
April 17, 2023
Religion Rejectors

While driving back from New England to Long Island on Saturday, a guy cut me off on the Mass Pike. Not uncommon. But the bumper sticker on his Honda was. It read "Religion: Fake News."

Provocative, right?

I almost followed the driver because there were a few things he might help me with. Such as the mysteries of the universe. The incredible complexity of the human body, how a surf-riding amoeba could grow up to be a Brontosaurus. These religion rejectors surely have cogent explanations for all of the above.

But of course, they don't.

It's easy to believe in what you can see. Not a challenge. But spiritual faith requires a mental discipline, a fusion of logic (the dinosaur reference), and physical reality. Check out the intricacy of your eyes, for example. It's incredible. Evolution? Slim chance.

Non-believers in a Creator don't bother me; they are exercising their freedom - courtesy of their noble country. I am not in the judgment business unless a person is hurting another person. The guy who cut me off may be a generous and positive human being.

And he has inspired me to create a counter bumper sticker that will read: "Atheism, nothing there!"

Soon available on

See you this evening on the No Spin News.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly