Bill O'Reilly
January 10, 2022
Karma Strikes AOC

Karma strikes Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez who says she has contracted Covid after going maskless in Miami. Now, I don't wish the lady ill, pun intended, but she's sooooooo self-righteous about vaccinations and masks that, apparently, God has had enough.

Alexandria may not believe in God, it seems she's the center of her own universe, but annoying the Deity is not a good hobby.

We now know the Omicron can penetrate the vax, but the virus is less intense if you're vaccinated. That's what the data shows, anyway.

But Covid is no longer a fact-based illness. It's all politics and emotion.

So, get well soon, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. And be sure to mask up so you don't spread the bug to other socialists. But if you see a Republican, sneeze all you want.

New poll says 80 percent of us believe the USA is on the skids. Analysis tonight on the No Spin News. See you beginning at six eastern.


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Posted by Bill O'Reilly