Bill O'Reilly
October 13, 2014
Why the Federal Government Is Not Protecting America

With a second Ebola case now in Dallas, Texas, Americans are rightly concerned that their government will not protect them against this very contagious disease.

Twenty-six-year-old Nina Pham, a nurse who treated Thomas Duncan -- the Liberian national who died from Ebola last week -- has now been diagnosed with the disease, even though she was apparently wearing protective gear.

Very worrisome.

A new poll from NBC News asked should there be a ban on flights from West African countries into the USA?

Yes: 58%.

No: 20%.

Don't know or no answer: 22%.

Talking Points has said from the beginning that there is no compelling reason why West Africans should be admitted to the USA when there is an Ebola epidemic raging in that region.

Think about it.  This is a national security issue, is it not?

What reason is there not to suspend visas from that area?

The truth is there is no valid reason; just a bunch of excuse making.

DR. THOMAS FRIEDEN, DIRECTOR, CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION:  "We really need to be clear that we don't inadvertently increase the risk to people in this country by making it harder for us to respond to the needs in those countries by making it harder to get assistance in."

We have asked Dr. Frieden a number of times to appear on The Factor.

So far he has declined.

I believe it's because he knows that I know he's not being candid.

Nobody is calling for charter flights to be banned so medical assistance and military personnel could get to the affected areas in Africa.  And that's the way they should be transported, by charter, so monitoring can be close.

Talking Points is just asking for common sense, which the Obama administration is rejecting.

But I will predict tonight they will soon reverse that.

Again, there is no compelling reason for West Africans to come to the United States at this point in time.

Secondly on Ebola, we are simply not being told the truth.

How did the NBC News cameraman contract the disease?  Ashoka Mukpo is being treated in Nebraska, and we still don't know how he got it in Africa.

America has a right to know that, and the failure to tell us is a huge concern.

This has got to stop.  The federal government has to level with the American people.

Now onto the ISIS threat.

Reports out of Syria and Iraq say U.S. bombing is doing some damage to these terrorists, but is not stopping their advance.

All of us who see things clearly knew that was going to be the case.

I believe President Obama knew that was going to be the case but would not tell the American people.

Instead the president has created a mythology that somehow a 60-nation coalition that is basically doing nothing is going to defeat ISIS.

I mean the Turkish army is one mile away from the terrorists watching them slaughter civilians and is doing nothing.

Great coalition, Mr. President.  Way to go.

Summing up, the American people are not being told the whole truth by the Obama administration about two very important situations.

The B.S. has to stop.

And that's the memo.


Posted by Bill O'Reilly