Bill O'Reilly
August 5, 2014
America's Weakness Part Two

Last night I documented vital areas where the U.S.A. is either losing influence or is completely collapsing.  The memo is posted on

Tonight, more on why America's weakness is growing.

It begins with propaganda -- how to obscure the truth.

When Talking Points first began listing all the situations where the U.S.A. is getting hammered, the evidence overwhelmed those who support the Obama administration and believe I am full of it.

So a new strategy emerged.

According to those happy with the State of the Union, America is not getting weaker.  It is simply changing – “realigning” -- and I am too dense to understand that.

BOB BECKEL: “But the idea that somehow that America is in decline -- it is in realignment -- the internet is here.  Bill O’Reilly has got to understand that.  This is a real world we’re living in here.”((EDIT))
JUAN WILLIAMS: So I think part of what you're discontented with Bill is changes -- changes in the reality.”

To quote Jon Lovitz, yeah that's it, realignment, that's the ticket.

Now you've got to hand it to the left.  They are creative spinners.  To them, the country is not really in trouble abroad or economically.  It's just a changing world and O'Reilly is just too dim to understand.

Really amazing, but that's what they are selling.

One of the main reasons the U.S.A. is in steep decline is resentment towards fellow citizens.  Many of us will no longer work together, preferring to demonize people with whom we disagree:

MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: “The system has been rigged against us from the very beginning.  We’ve never been able to stand our ground because the system has protected white peoplehood, white property and white privilege.”

White peoplehood?  Love that!

When skin color overrides honest debate, everything falls apart.  And that's what is being sold.  How many times have we heard that criticisms of President Obama are race-based?  How about every day.

REP. MO BROOKS (R-AL): “This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else.  It's part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s not true, okay?”

While Congressman Brooks believes the President is behind the policy, I believe it's the Democrat leadership in Congress that has designed the divisive strategy: Reid and Pelosi.  But President Obama is allowing the nonsense to flow.

If you can't defend your record, if the facts stack up against you ...  deflect ... charge into emotional areas to pettifog reality.

Simply put, we need to get back on track in this country, halt the nonsense, and demand our elected leadership solve problems that threaten our well-being.

The day of the ideologues is ending, TV and radio ratings prove it.

Americans are slowly wising up.

And that's the first step in recovering the strength of America.

And that's the memo.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly