Bill O'Reilly
December 21, 2018
Donald Trump's Biggest Mistake
Donald Trumps Biggest Mistake

Donald Trump really screwed up.  No, not with the Russian collusion thing.  If there were anything to that we’d all know it by now. The New York Times would have run headlines the size of the Empire State Building telling us about it.  “Trump and Putin subvert American Democracy. Trump To Be Tried For Treason. Yea!” MSNBC and CNN would be throwing New Year’s Eve type parties – on the air – with bright red graphics on the screen shouting, “HE’S A CROOK. WE TOLD YOU SO!!!”

The fact is Donald Trump screwed up by winning the presidency in 2016.  That’s right. He screwed up by not losing an election even he thought he would lose.

Winning was never the plan.  The plan, after Hillary beat him, was to claim the election was rigged, and then use his victim status to burnish the Trump brand and make money. I always thought he was going to start a TV channel after he lost – the Trump Channel, where he could pontificate anytime he wanted to an audience that would believe anything he told them, and sell Trump steaks, wine, ties and seats at Trump University during the many commercial breaks.

But he screwed up and won.  He can’t do anything right, can he?

You think if he lost we’d even know who Stormy Daniels is?  You think we’d care about his mysterious tax return, which he won’t show us?  You think the New York Times would devote even 25 words to a proposed Trump Tower in Moscow?

If Trump had lost we’d remain in blissful ignorance over the meaning of the word emoluments.  And maybe most of all we’d be spared having to look at and listen to the two Michaels: Cohen and Avenatti.

If Donald Trump should be impeached for anything, it’s for exposing us to those two clowns.

Thank you Mr. Trump – for nothing!  And what did he get for winning?  This is some of what he got, as Holman Jenkins put it so elegantly in the Wall Street Journal:  “Mr. Trump was already an unusually heavily scrutinized figure. Now he’s attracting the kind of subatomic legal scrutiny reserved only for presidents of the opposite party when the press is inveterately hostile too. Example: the New York Times reauditing his family’s heavily audited tax returns to find a welter of abuses that somehow escaped the IRS and New York tax department.”

Happy now, DJT?

Someone needs to be indicted for all this.  And it ought to be Hillary Clinton.  If she hadn’t been such an unlikeable phony during the campaign someone like Donald Trump would never have been elected president.

No wonder he detests her so much.

Posted by Bernie Goldberg