Bill O'Reilly
November 18, 2016
Podcast: Pollsters Who Had Trump Winning

There were many polling errors in the 2016 election, but in this episode we talk to two pollsters who correctly had Trump winning. 

Robert Cahaly (1:05 to 22:28), senior strategist at the Trafalgar Group, had the only poll that showed Trump winning in the key states of Michigan and Pennsylvania.  What was different about his poll?  Cahaly discusses how he found the secret “Trump surge vote.” 

Dan Schnur (22:39 to 35:48), the director of the 2016 USC Dornsife / LA Times Presidential Election Poll, then joins the podcast to discuss his unique survey methods that consistently showed Trump doing better against Hillary Clinton compared to other polls. 

But Clinton ultimately did win the popular vote, so how does Schnur evaluate his poll?  He tells us.

Listen now for the best analysis.

Posted by BOR Staff