Bill O'Reilly
August 22, 2017
Bill O'Reilly's Full Interview with Michael Medved on Nazis, Charlottesville, & Trump

For more perspective on the neo-Nazi situation in relation to the violence in Charlottesville, Bill welcomed syndicated radio talk show host Michael Medved, whose Jewish mother and grandparents fled from Germany in 1934.  "When anyone is flying Nazi flags," Medved said, "and there were Nazi flags on display in Charlottesville that Friday night, any 'fine person' doesn't stick around, no matter how much you care about a Robert E. Lee statue.  You should have nothing to do with people who are dressed in Klan hoods or are flying Nazi flags." 

Medved also criticized President Trump for his chaotic news conference at Trump Tower last Tuesday.  "On Monday the president had read a fine statement about the evil of racism and he should have just said he stood by that statement.  His inability to do that is a real problem.  The core of what President Trump doesn't understand is the actual nature of the Confederacy, which was not formed because of states' rights.  They seceded because of slavery.  The vice president of the Confederacy said the new government was formed on the notion that 'the Negro is not equal to the white man,' so it's very tough to make the case that this is a memory that ought to be honored.  It's really questionable to display the Confederate flag proudly, unless it's in a museum."

Before leaving, Medved excoriated the aforementioned Reuben Brigety of George Washington University:  "What he is saying trivializes Nazism.  When he says Trump is a Nazi, he is trivializing real evil."  Bill agreed, saying, "To brand Trump a racist or a Nazi is a lie and unfair."

Posted by Bill O'Reilly