Bill O'Reilly
July 25, 2021
Critical of Critical Race Theory
Critical of Critical Race Theory
As an adult who still has the protection of freedom of thought, I can ignore the Critical Race Theory (CRT) concept if I want to.  And I do because it is largely destructive blather.

But millions of American children cannot ignore it and that is a catastrophe.

As you know, a number of school districts are allowing this progressive view of the United States to be taught to undeveloped minds.  You don’t have critical thinking skills at six years old.  Therefore, you can file much of the CRT lesson plan under “indoctrination.”

Essentially, the theory seeks to marginalize all white Americans because selected ancestors persecuted minorities. That did happen so the CRT zealots are demanding contemporary sanctions for past behavior - such as citizens admitting the United States was founded on and still promotes, racism against blacks.  If you reject that premise, well, you’re a racist.

Once you cop to CTR then come the programs for penance.  They can range from cash payments directly to minority Americans, all the way to preferential treatment by the government for certain groups.

And there’s more.  The CRT advocates want to destroy many American traditions including capitalism and due process in legal situations.  Simultaneously, they would create a vast central government to enforce “anti-racist” behavior - which is whatever the totalitarians say it is.

My question is simple: has there ever been a more dangerous theory promoted by some politicians and corporate moguls?  The answer is no, in case you were thinking it over.

History clearly demonstrates villainy.  It happened everywhere on the planet. That’s what evil's all about.  For example, if present judgment were based on past misdeeds, every religion on earth would be banned.  No country could be considered noble.

Decent people should not want to burden any child with historical sins.  No responsible teacher should divide students along racial lines.  Yet, this is happening.

Boston University, my alma mater, has hired Ibram X. Kendi, the high priest of racial division, to head up an activist program under BU’s name.  Thousands of other colleges are instituting policies solely based on skin color, as we know.

But it is in the elementary schools where irreparable harm is being done.  The kids will not quickly forget the pernicious propaganda being forced upon them.

Simply put: Critical Race Theory is horrendous.  And this country will pay a high price for it in the future.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly