Bill O'Reilly
May 23, 2019
Nancy Pelosi's Accused Cover Up
As you may know, I am a simple man.  So, I have an easy question for Nancy Pelosi who has accused President Trump of a “cover up.”
Ready, Nancy?  A cover up of what?  Incredibly, you didn’t say and no press person asked you as far as I know.
What. Is. The. Cover Up?
Special Counsel Mueller came back after two years with no alleged crimes.  Is the President hiding his innocence?  Is he covering up not doing anything that rises to a criminal referral?
Maybe Mr. Trump doesn’t want his business tax returns exposed.  But doesn’t that fall under IRS privacy rules?  You and your husband have tons of money - can I see your financial history?
Could it be that Donald Trump is trying to protect himself from further dishonest accusations, you know the kind that you and the other Trump haters peddle daily?
But one thing is certain; the President is not covering up his feelings for you, Nancy, Senator Schumer and your media allies.  Nope, Mr. Trump is pretty direct on that.  He loathes you guys because, above all else, you want to destroy him.
Maybe the President should cover up those feelings.  But can you really blame him for letting it all hang out, Nancy?
Think about it.
Tonight on the No Spin News, more on the war in Washington.  See you beginning at 7 eastern time.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly