Bill O'Reilly
July 16, 2015
Planned Parenthood, Cut the Cord!
Planned Parenthood, Cut the Cord!
You have probably seen the newly-released undercover video involving Planned Parenthood. Any humane citizen, anti-abortion or not, has to be sickened by the conversation.

The video shows Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical research, discussing the sale of fetal body parts. Between sips of red wine, she breezily talks about crushing an unborn baby so as to keep certain organs intact.

The not-so-good doctor thought her dining partners were representatives of a biotech firm; in fact, they were actors hired by an anti-abortion group.

That organization, the Center for Medical Progress, is now public enemy number one to the hateful left-wing media. CMP is being accused of perpetrating a "hoax" and a "flimflam" by releasing excerpts from the conversation. Planned Parenthood itself denounces it as a "heavily edited video."

Of course the video was edited. But even her most ardent defenders are not denying what Deborah Nucatola said. Or how she said it. "We've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver," she casually boasted. "I'm gonna basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact." Nucatola charmingly added, "A lot of people want liver." She was not referring to that day's lunch menu.

Nucatola also spoke candidly about the fees for providing body parts to medical researchers, which she estimated at $30 to $100 per organ. It is not clear whether that is against the law - selling body parts for profit is illegal, but Planned Parenthood claims it is merely reimbursed for its costs. There may not be a smoking gun, but there is certainly a bloody forceps.

The man behind the video, anti-abortion activist David Daleiden, leveled some very serious charges Wednesday night on The Factor. He flat-out accused Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles of criminal behavior, saying the organization "has been involved in selling the body parts of the babies that they abort for decades ... they sell the body parts and they make money off of doing so."

Of course, this is far from the first outrage involving Planned Parenthood. The virulently pro-abortion group has come under fire for telling minors how to avoid reporting statutory rape charges against their much-older boyfriends, and for promoting questionable abortions. And now there is this nauseating video.

Planned Parenthood's defenders in the left-wing media have already rushed to their battle stations, unloading both barrels on the Center for Medical Progress. But, again, Dr. Nucatola is very clear on the video, laying out just how the abortionist can protect certain organs while killing the fetus. It all brings new meaning to that old adage: "The operation was a success, but the patient died."

This week a woman named Abby Johnson watched the video and then wrote an open letter to Dr. Nucatola. Johnson has some special insight, having run a Planned Parenthood clinic. "I used to be just like you," she wrote. "My former clinic used to harvest fetal body parts ... all of the blood, body parts, and extra tissue would be collected into a glass jar." Johnson added this: "After a grueling abortion day, we would all go out for margaritas and talk about harvesting fetal parts as if we were talking about harvesting a field of corn." This brings to mind what Hannah Arendt famously referred to as "the banality of evil."

We don't know if Planned Parenthood has broken the law in this case; the cops and the courts can sort that out. But we certainly know that taxpayers should not be contributing to the carnage wreaked by these abortionists.

We the people fork over more than $500-million to Planned Parenthood each year. A half a billion dollars! The group and its acolytes claim the money is used to promote "women's health" and "prenatal services." Is anyone fooled by that? That federal largesse helps support the country's largest abortion mill, plain and simple. A group that aborts about 1,000 fetuses every single day.

Whatever you think of abortion, can't we all agree that the time has come to end this outrageous subsidy that enables an ugly and dishonest group to continue its vile behavior?

Some members of Congress are now vowing to investigate and hold hearings. Let the tribunals begin, and let Dr. Deborah Nucatola step forward as a witness. We should warn her, though, that the hearings won't be providing any nice Chianti. On Capitol Hill, it's strictly BYOB.

One final word. Planned Parenthood accuses the Center for Medical Progress of "unethical video editing." Imagine being lectured about ethics by Planned Parenthood! Irony just doesn't get any richer. Planned Parenthood, though, gets richer all the time, thanks to you and me. It has to stop, it is long past time to cut the cord.
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