Bill O'Reilly Gives an Update on GOP Healthcare Situation
July 18, 2017

Want the best analysis of the Republican healthcare situation in the Senate? Bill provides it right here: 

“Healthcare, the votes delayed. As you may know, John McCain, the senator from Arizona, 80 years old, blood clot removed from his eye. He’s out of commission for a while. We don’t know how bad it is. He is 80 years old, he has had other health problems. They need McCain’s vote. The Republicans tottering in there. 

“It’s not a bad thing that they’re slowing it down. You know, maybe they can tweak it a little bit more. Ms. Susan Collins from Maine is going to vote against it. This is a Planned Parenthood play. She won’t admit it, Collins won’t admit it. That’s what this is about. She doesn’t want to defund Planned Parenthood, that’s what it’s about. Senator Collins up in Maine, I kind of like you, but be honest about this. You knew there were going to be caps on Medicaid, don’t give me Medicaid. Alright, everybody who is a sane thinker knows that you’ve got to cap Medicaid, you can’t just keep going crazy on it. We’ve got 20 trillion in debt. So don’t tell me that’s what it’s about. This about you not wanting to defund Planned Parenthood. That’s why you’re going to vote against this healthcare bill. That’s wrong, that’s destructive for your party. You want to take that tack, switch parties, switch ‘em. 

“Rand Paul, you’re never going to get through. You’re just not going to get through. Trump played golf with him, you know. Rand Paul is a smart guy. And maybe his vision some day down the line would work, but not now, not now. You know, if Rand Paul dances on the grave of the GOP healthcare bill, and Obamacare is still the law of the land … that’s about as bad as it gets. 

“You’ve got to get Obamacare out of there. If this Republican thing is half baked, then you can improve it, throw it out two years from now. Obamacare, with the premiums, you’ve got to get it out of there. So I don’t have any patience for Rand Paul, I think he’s a grandstander. I’ve never liked him, he doesn’t like me. Never had him on my program, we invited him a few times, he’s got an attitude like he knows everything, okay, fine.

“If the Republicans fail in getting Obamacare out of there, the whole thing is going to turn around and Trump’s approval rating will go down to 30, from 36, it’s going to be bad”

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 12:09 PM
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Bill O'Reilly Gives an Update on GOP Healthcare Situation
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