Democratic Socialism
June 29, 2018

A young woman named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will most likely be elected to Congress next November from a district located in a portion of Queens and the Bronx, New York.  The 28 year old describes herself as a “democratic-socialist” who believes the federal government should “provide” poor people, not just Americans, with the essentials of life.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez worked extremely hard in the primary to defeat longtime Democratic Congressman Joseph Crowley, a stalwart liberal but a man divorced from the folks in his district who are primarily minorities.  Alexandria went door-to-door pointing this out and showering voters with economic promises that will never be fulfilled.

I have heard some Republicans deride Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and I think that’s a mistake.  She won by outworking Crowley and seems to care more about people than power.  A good thing for any politician.

Of course, socialism will never succeed in America because the vast majority of voters are not poor and do not want the government taking away their hard-earned money in order to give it to other people of their choosing.  Socialism is really theft, even if it’s approved by the voters.  

Also, it never works.  Ask Venezuela.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should understand, but probably does not, that most Americans actually choose to be poor.  The rules are clear: get educated, work hard, be law-abiding and responsible in your choices, and you will make enough money so you don’t have to live in a Bronx tenement.  The road map to economic self-sufficiency is clear and Alexandria herself followed it.  Unless a person is debilitated by disease or mental problems, he or she can make money.  The millions of foreign people on American soil illegally are here for that very reason.

But some Americans will not follow the economic GPS.  They will become dependent on drugs, alcohol, gang-life, crime and other poverty-drivers.  They will sire children they cannot afford.  They will reject learning a skill.  They will not seek work or opportunities.  They want the free stuff Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her mentor Bernie Sanders promises.  Many of these folks believe their poverty is society’s fault and, thus, society is obligated to support them.

The leftist media loves the Ocasio-Cortez story.  She demolished a white, career politician who was largely an establishment player.  Had I been living in a Queens hovel, I would have voted for Alexandria as well.  At least she cares.

But in the end, life in America demands personal sacrifice if economic prosperity is your goal.  Alexandria and Bernie and the corrupt media can patronize the poor all day/every day but that is not going to change.

Enjoy your time on Capitol Hill, Alexandria.  Just don’t expect to fulfill your campaign promises.

We have a terrific lineup on the website this weekend.  Please check out my column entitled “Virtue Fascism,” and my radio conversation with Glenn Beck.

Also, my interview  with former Obama economic adviser Austan Goolsbee will keep you awake!  Check it out.

Finally, our brand new Concierge Membership is a major success.  The program compels me to work harder, but that’s okay.  Hope you investigate.

Have a great weekend, thanks for visiting, see you on Monday.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 9:29 AM
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