Bill O'Reilly
July 19, 2017
O'Reilly on the Mainstream Media Hysteria Over Russia; Miller Time

Mainstream Media Hysteria Over Russia

In this episode, Bill breaks down why the press is going mad over President Trump holding a second meeting with Vladimir Putin earlier this month, updates you on the very controversial police shooting in Minneapolis, and brings Dennis Miller on the program to discuss the Republicans failing efforts to repeal Obamacare


President Trump’s Meeting with Putin

Bill started off with a story that has the liberal press going wild: Donald Trump had a second, previously un-reported meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit in Germany on July 7.

Bill said the rampant speculation about the meeting is an example of the dishonesty of the press towards President Trump. According to Bill’s analysis of the situation, First Lady Melania Trump was sitting next to Mr. Putin at a dinner for world leaders, and Mr. Trump and Putin simply struck up a conversation when the president went to speak to his wife. 

“Putin and Trump wonder off the table a little bit and they have a conversation,” Bill said. “Anybody would do that. Any world leader would do that. It’s nothing to be concerned about. It’s not sinister, it’s not incompetent, it’s not any of that.” 

Bill then called much of the press coverage “garbage” for the wild speculation on what the two world leaders said to one another. 

“If Trump had refused to speak with Putin, that would have been disrespectful,” Bill said. “Then, he would have been accused of creating an incident.” 

A visibly angry Bill said the press gives him no chance but to take the president’s side. 

“I’m not in business to defend the Trump administration, although that’s how it’s coming down here down on the podcast because it’s so insane what’s happening, I have to tell you the truth,” Bill said. 

Bill said he’ll tell the viewers if the president ever does something wrong or is no longer effective at governing. 

“But this insane, insidious garbage every single day, and it’s a strategy,” Bill said. “They did the same thing to me for 20 years, but I had an hour television show to fight back. It really makes me angry about this dishonesty.”


Obamacare Repeal Effort

Bill next reported that the diminished Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the Senate will vote on a bill next week to repeal President Obama’s signature healthcare law. Republicans need 50 votes to rescind Obamacare.

“Is he going to get 50? Nobody thinks so,” Bill said.


Dennis Miller Comes on the Podcast 

Dennis Miller then joined the program, where Bill asked him if he follows the developments in the Senate regarding the healthcare bill. 

Miller said he tries to limit his news consumption because the country has gone so far off the tracks. 

“The country is kind of shot … thank God that Trump’s slowed it down for a little bit, but he’s not going to stop it, it just went too far,” Miller said. 

Miller then went so far as to say he doesn’t feel lucky despite his wealth because so much of his hard work goes to taxes for services he rarely, if ever, uses. 

Bill disagreed. 

“We’re lucky in the sense that we both have good health, we both had some guidance, you from your mother, me from my mother and father, we both had opportunities that came our way,” Bill said. 

“We seized the opportunities, both of us, seized them, but they were there, as opposed to some kid in Oakland, California with no dad who never gets an opportunity, no book in the house, surrounded by terrible behavior, bad education, school system falling apart, so that’s when I say we’re lucky that at least we had a foundation to succeed and we did,” Bill continued.  

But Bill said that President Obama’s entitlement-based healthcare system had eroded self-reliance in America. 

Bill then was tough on Republicans for failing to get rid of Obamacare, saying they’ve opened the country up to destruction and one-party rule by the progressive Democrats. 

Bill and Dennis then preview Mr. Miller’s appearance on the program tomorrow, where he’ll discuss why he’s given up on much of the promise of the American dream. 


Women’s March Honors Cop Killer

The activist group Women’s March caused major controversy on Sunday when it put out a happy birthday Tweet to Assata Shakur, a convicted cop killer who escaped from prison and is currently living in Cuba. The Women’s March group called Ms. Shakur a “civil rights leader” who challenged sexism in the Black Liberation Movement. 

Despite this outrageous situation, Democratic Senators Kamala Harris (CA), Dianne Feinstein (CA) and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) all continue to support Women’s March.

“It’s a really, really good story,” Bill said. “And you’re not going to see that reported any place.”


Minneapolis Shooting

Yesterday, we told you a highly unusual police shooting in Minneapolis, MN. An Australian woman living there called the police Saturday night about a possible assault, but wound up dead after a Somali-American police officer shot her. 

Bill updated the story today. The shooter, Officer Mohamed Noor, isn’t talking to investigators but his partner says Noor opened fire after they heard a loud sound in an alley. 

“That doesn’t make any sense at all,” Bill said. “None.” 

Bill noted the Minneapolis mayor previously praised Noor as an example of an American success story due to his Somali heritage. 

“If this were a white officer, you know what would be happening,” Bill said.

Bill also said he didn’t think the shooting was over a loud noise. “There’s something very wrong here on this story,” Bill said.


Premium Member Mail 

Bill next responded to emails from Premium Members. Here are the highlights:

·      Bill said there’s “a chance” the Senate will vote to repeal and replace Obamacare next week but “I wouldn’t bet on it.” 

·      Bill said he is more down on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) over the Obamacare repeal fiasco than he is on House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI). 

·      Bill noted that Republicans just want to cap Medicaid, not entirely get rid of it.

·      Bill also left know ambiguity on where he stands on the Obamacare repeal efforts: “If the Republican Party is going to promise to repeal Obamacare and put something better in it’s place, they better damn well do it.” 

Be sure to tune into tomorrow’s No Spin News when Dennis Miller is once again on the program. 

Posted by Bill O'Reilly