Bill O'Reilly
February 16, 2023
Tragedy at Michigan State
Three young people are dead after yet another "mass shooting" - this one at Michigan State University.

As usual, left-wing politicians want to crack down on guns but not the criminals who shoot them.  Far-left Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is demanding "more gun control" even as she knows the killer, who committed suicide, was allowed to walk free by a progressive prosecutor whom Whitmer supported.

Here's the situation. In 2019, Anthony McRae was arrested for illegally carrying a handgun.  Instead of being charged with a felony, soft-on-crime DA Carol Siemon, a favorite of George Soros, dismissed the felony charge  - which carries a five-year prison term - and accepted a misdemeanor plea.

The criminal McRae walked, receiving 12 months probation.  If Siemon had done her elected job, McRae would still be in prison, and the three young people would be alive.

Despite that, the progressive left continues to push soft on crime policies as the body count mounts.  

This brutal situation has been going on for far too long.  Reasonable gun restrictions, yes, but violent crime will never improve unless the criminals themselves are held to account.

See you later for the No Spin News.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly