Bill O'Reilly
September 18, 2019
The Hatred of Donald Trump Has Propelled the Far Left

Hey, Bill O'Reilly here and this is the Talking Points Memo for Newsmax.

Did you know that it's because of President Trump, that the far left is running wild in America? It's Trump's fault. So let me explain this. A week from today, I have my book, The United States of Trump, coming out. It's a history book on Donald Trump. It will tell you exactly how Trump pulled off the most amazing political feat that I've ever seen in my lifetime and perhaps ever in this republic. I'll walk you through it. All right. This is history as we are living it.

But along the way, the media got involved with Trump. All right. At first, the press, the networks, the big newspapers thought he was a joke and exploited him in the sense that CNN, Fox, MSNBC knew when they put Donald Trump on the air, their ratings were going to go up because he was so outrageous. So they said he didn't have a chance to be president. No way that's going to happen. We'll use him because he's a clown and we'll get higher ratings.

Then a Funny thing happened on the way to the White House. Trump's message got out. and his message was, I don't have any respect for these old time politicians, the swamp, who are hosing you, te American worker. That message resonated all over the place. Then Donald Trump used his media access to go in and destroy villains. He was then perceived by voters as an avenger and that's when his poll numbers started to come up and he became almost untouchable by the media. They saw the phenomenon too late to stop it. Even the stuff with Access Hollywood. I get into that in the book. It would've derailed anybody else nut not Trump.

Along the way, the media then started to hate Donald Trump. Because they were wrong about his growing power and they started to then anable fringe people. haters, hate groups. Groups that never would have gotten any attention three years, ago five years ago, became mainstream. Elizabeth Warren could never have run for president against Hillary Clinton and that was only three years ago. But now she's mainstream. Because of the hatred of Donald Trump, the media's standards blew out the window.

There are no standards, you know that. There's no truth. When a reporter is assigned a story, the editor says to the reporter, find out what happened. Find out what happened. It's very simple. That's what the editor is supposed to say. Not anymore. It's here's the conclusion we want. Brett Kavanaugh is an abuser. You come back with a story that proves that. That's what we want. Not find out what happened and back it up with facts. No longer.

When you have a corrupt media like that and then the media sanctions and encourages far left loons like Beto O'Rourke, those people get a much higher profile. So that's why President Trump has enabled and helped the far left because of the hatred directed to him by the press. It's all about the press.

The socialists wouldn't have gotten any attention in 2008 or 2012. Bernie Sanders, he got a little bit of attention just because he was so wild and just because a lot of Democrats didn't like Hillary Clinton but Sanders hasn't moved a point since he ran against Hillary Clinton. Not a point. So the socialists who liked Sanders then, like him now and nobody else is on board. But Elizabeth Warren has come up and it's because of her hatred and the others O'Rourke and Harris, all those people. That's why they're on that debate stage. The hatred of Donald Trump has propelled the far left.

That is a Talking Points Memo. I'm Bill O'Reilly. Please go to Bill O', where we've got commentary all over the place and you can get the United States of Trump, free. Check it out. See you soon.


Posted by Bill O'Reilly