Donald Trump on the Job
January 23, 2017

Busy news day.  President Trump signed three executive orders.

Number one: The USA will leave the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  That trade agreement is toast.

Number two: There is now a federal hiring freeze with the exception of the military.

And number three: The U.S. government will no longer pay any agency for performing abortions overseas.

An addition - there was a press briefing today at the White House.  Brit Hume will analyze that coming up.

It is quite clear that President Trump is going to be an activist.

That means he's going to change a lot of things fast.

If Congress people think they're going to get a lot of gym time, they're mistaken.

Mr. Trump is also going to challenge the American press - which he loathes.

Over the weekend, there was a silly controversy over whose Inauguration crowd was bigger, Trump's or Obama's.

With all due respect, who cares?

If you're interested in that kind of thing, television ratings really tell the tale.

Donald Trump's Inauguration clocked in with the fifth highest TV viewership.  Ronald Reagan was first.

But today, Press Secretary Sean Spicer said that if you add in all the people watching on Internet devices, the Trump Inauguration reached more folks than any other.

Most likely true, but again, not really important to the country.

What is more compelling is the press war between the president and national media outlets.

Talking Points sees it clearly.  Many in the media had a vested interest in seeing President Obama succeed.

And those same people have a vested interest in seeing Donald Trump fail.

He knows it.  You know.  I know it.

The only reason to compare crowds at the Inauguration was to embarrass Mr. Trump.

Everyone knows Washington, DC and its suburbs are Democrat strongholds.

Come on.

Now, there are two roads for the Trump administration to take here.  You can rise above the national media and bring your message directly to the folks.

Or you can slug it out:

REINCE PRIEBUS“I'm saying there's an obsession by the media to delegitimize this president, and we are not going to sit around and let it happen. We're going to fight back tooth and nail every day, and twice on Sunday.”

So we can expect a lot of time devoted to this battle.

Back in the year 2000, presidential candidate George W. Bush faced the same media bias:

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH“You know something, Bill? I've learned a pretty good lesson. That's never to complain about the press coverage. ((EDIT)) I don't like some of the coverage.  But I'll tell you I -- the worst moments for me in politics was when I saw people say ugly things about my dad.  I was a loyal son.  He's the guy that gave me unconditional love.  And I was ready to -- I was ready to launch after anybody that would say anything ugly about him.”

O'REILLY“And you did on a couple of occasions.”

BUSH“I did.  I know, and -- but it's all different being the person that's going to become your president.”

Mr. Bush did not engage the press. He mostly ignored the slings and arrows.

Talking Points believes that hurt the president a bit, as his image suffered in the relentless criticism he endured.

The Iraq War should have been defined better by the Bush administration - especially after weapons of mass destruction were not found.

But George W. Bush made a decision not to take on the press.  And they hammered him.

There is no way Donald Trump will allow that to happen.  Whether the ongoing confrontation is good for the country remains to be seen.

What Americans have to understand is that there is an organized effort to get Donald Trump out of office.

This is a largely unreported story.

The Woman's March over the weekend is a good example.

That was not a spontaneous event.  It was organized by far-left groups, which receive millions of dollars from the liberal activist George Soros.

In fact, Soros has ties to 50 of the groups that attended the Woman's March this weekend, 50.

And according to the Media Research Center, Soros has pumped $90 million into those groups.

Some of the top march organizers were members of the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton's campaign and Bernie Sanders' campaign.

Again, this was not some spontaneous uprising. This was a well-thought out political spectacle designed to denigrate the new president.

And if you watched the exposition, you heard some really crazy stuff:

ASHLEY JUDD, ACTRESS“Blacks are still in shackles and graves just for being black. Slavery has been reinterpreted as the prison system in front of people who seek melanin as animal skin.  I am not as nasty as a swastika painted on a pride flag and I didn't know devils could be resurrected, but I feel Hitler in these streets.  A mustache traded for a toupee.  Nazis renamed the cabinet.”

That kind of extremism is simply nuts.

Yet the Trump administration responded:

KELLYANNE CONWAY, COUNSELOR TO PRESIDENT TRUMP“You have celebrities from the podium using profanity-laced insults.  You have a very prominent singer who's worth hundreds of millions of dollars not going over to a woman's shelter here in D.C. to write a check, but instead saying that she thought of, quote, "Burning down the White House."

STEPHANOPOULOS“You're talking about Madonna?”

CONWAY“Well, this is destructive.”

Ms. Conway is correct -- it is destructive, not good for the country.

Talking Points has no problem with people demonstrating against a politician or a political party. That's time-honored.

But insane charges of fascism, racism and the like demean our system.

It is clear the far left will not give President Trump a chance and will do everything it can to get him out of office before his term is over.

That is going to lead to trouble, and the crazy left has a powerful ally: the media.

You will not hear them reporting about how George Soros is manipulating protests behind the scenes.

Finally, a presidential Inauguration is supposed to be a time of celebration, not non-stop acrimony.

Donald Trump is a confrontational guy.  He will not sit around and take a lot of garbage.  But by responding to obvious provocations, the Trump Administration veers away from the people's business.

We've said it before, the Trump Administration will rise or fall on its policy accomplishments.

If the economy ignites and security gets tight, Mr. Trump will be a successful president.

If that does not happen, the dissent will become overwhelming.

And that's the memo.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 8:30 PM
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Donald Trump on the Job
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