Can Hillary Clinton Protect Us From Villains Overseas?
June 2, 2016

In San Diego this afternoon Secretary Clinton laid out her foreign policy vision, much of it attacking Donald Trump as a primary enemy of the state:

HILLARY CLINTON"Donald Trump's ideas aren't just different -- they are dangerously incoherent.  They are not even really ideas.  Just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies.  ((EDIT)) This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes because it's not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because someone got under his very thin skin."

Now on Monday Mr. Trump will be here and I'll give him one free shot at Mrs. Clinton for running that sound bite.

But I had to do it because much of her foreign policy speech concentrated on Trump.

A few times she veered off into other territory like ISIS.

HILLARY CLINTON"We need to take out their strongholds in Iraq and Syria by intensifying the air campaign and stepping up support for Arab and Kurdish forces on the ground." 

Same policy as Mr. Obama -- contain ISIS using air power and weak allied forces, which can't possibly defeat the vicious terror crew.

There comes a point when American voters must recognize that policies depending on foreign cooperation rarely work.

If we want ISIS defeated, we are going to have to lead the way.

If we don't, the savages will continue to murder people consistently.

Secretary Clinton also briefly discussed Putin and China, but again brought it back to Trump:

HILLARY CLINTON"Now Moscow and Beijing are deeply envious of our alliances around the world because they have nothing to match them.  They'd love for us to elect a president that would jeopardize that source of strength.  If Donald gets his way, they'll be celebrating in the Kremlin.  We cannot let that happen."

So today's foreign policy speech was not that really.  It was an attempt to whip up anti-Trump feeling in California, which the Clinton campaign believes will mobilize voters to choose her over Sanders next Tuesday.

Hillary Clinton knows the world, no question about that.  But so far I am not seeing many innovative foreign policy pronouncements.

If she wants to run on what President Obama has done, that's fine and voters will determine the wisdom of that approach.

But if Secretary Clinton has any new ideas, they are still being kept top secret.

And that's the memo.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 8:22 PM
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Can Hillary Clinton Protect Us From Villains Overseas?
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