Bill O'Reilly
May 7, 2018
Stormy Daniels' Performance on Saturday Night Live

There is something wrong in this country when a person like Stormy Daniels can go on a national TV program and be applauded by a live audience.

What exactly are these people celebrating?   

It doesn’t matter whether you approve of President Trump or not.  He’s currently in charge of the country and Ms. Daniels is making his job much harder.  And for what?  Could it be money?  She’s already been paid for her alleged tryst but apparently wants more cash and notoriety.  Again, why is that worthy of applause?

Americans knew about Donald Trump’s social resume when the election was held.  What we didn’t know was the intensity of the media hatred toward the man.  That loathing has emboldened people to attack the President on every level.  Is this also something to be applauded?  Is this a good thing for America?

Tonight on the No Spin News we will analyze whether the President will survive his first term.  Also, the role that Rudy Giuliani is playing right now.

Another compelling broadcast beginning at 7 eastern time.

Thanks for visiting us today.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly