Democrats Propose Change in Oath
January 30, 2019

It didn’t take long for Democrats in the House of Representatives to impose a radical agenda inside that body.  Americans should expect liberal politics to dominate the House for the next two years but don’t be surprised if things go far beyond that.

A first salvo has been fired by the little known Committee on Natural Resources which will soon vote on removing the words “so help me God” from the oath some who testify before the committee must take.
Congresswoman Liz Cheney reacted to the move by saying Democrats have become the party of Karl Marx.
Or Groucho Marx.
Actually, all the far left madness might be a good thing for the nation to see.  Aided by a sympathetic media, far left progressives are running wild, attacking American traditions, demanding property seizures, and denying citizens due process in the court of public opinion.
That’s how a totalitarian system develops - when people are punished for opposing extremism.  I mean, why bother changing the traditional oath?  Does the word “God” really offend you?  If it does, OMG doesn’t even begin to cover it.
I consider myself a fair guy and a clear thinker.  I see danger for this country from the progressive mob.  So help me God.
 More on this tonight in our nightly newscast.  If you’re not a Premium Member, you are really missing something.
Thanks for visiting.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 10:39 AM
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