Press Insanity
June 3, 2019
Just when I thought I had seen it all under the heading of press insanity, an opinion piece in the Washington Post shakes me up.

Kevin Lerner, who teaches journalism at Marist College, says that there is no bias in the elite media.

“The New York Times and The Washington Post are not liberal equivalents of Fox News.  They are not partisan outlets ...”

That is Twilight Zone stuff that is beyond dishonest.  If Mr. Lerner really believes that, he is not qualified to teach anything.

Marist College is my alma mater so this makes me very sad.  At one time, the school was a haven for working class students.  It had a balanced approach to higher education.

But a few years ago, the school hired a far-left president out of the University of Chicago.  Since then, Marist has become a politically correct bastion employing people like Kevin Lerner.

Dishonesty and bias in the media has just about ruined the industry and all the polls say Americans know it.  But apparently this journalism teacher does not.

Tonight, we’ll talk with the author of a new book on the press, who will name the worst media corrupters.

See you beginning at 7 eastern.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 6:45 AM
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