Bill O'Reilly
May 19, 2016
Who Do You Trust More: Trump or Clinton?

A brand New Fox news Poll on who do you trust more: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

The poll listed issues in order of importance so the first thing you'll see on your screen in a moment is what most Americans care about.

Number One: The economy - Who do you trust to do a better job?

Trump wins big here 53 to 41 over Mrs. Clinton because of his success in business I believe.

Second most important issue: Terrorism. Here Americans once again favor trump at 52 percent while Secretary Clinton only clocks in at 40 percent.

Third issue is healthcare: Here Hillary Clinton does better. 48 percent of Americans trust her more on the issue. 45 percent get behind Trump.

Number four: Education.  51 percent support Hillary here. 41 percent support Trump. Education spending is traditionally a Democratic issue.

Next up: Immigration. A bit of a surprise here. Secretary Clinton comes out on top 47 to 45 over Mr. Trump, the anti-illegal immigration guy.

And finally social issues like abortion, secularism that kind of thing: 50 percent of Americans trust Hillary Clinton and just 38 percent like Donald Trump.

You would have to consider this poll good news for Mr. Trump because the economy will be the driving issue next November and he wins on that. Also terrorism, which is number two.

Talking Points was surprised that Mr. Trump did not prevail on immigration. That shows that many Americans do not want illegal aliens deported. I do believe most Americans would like an effective wall on the southern border but we'll have to do an independent poll on that.

The big headline this week in American politics is that Donald Trump is very competitive with Hillary Clinton. You'll remember that much of the national press thought that impossible just a few weeks ago.

Of course that same press is rooting against Donald Trump.

Summing up, the more Trump defines important issues, the better off he will be. And the more Hillary Clinton gets out of her campaign mode and into one-on-one communications like doing interviews with me and others who do not openly support her, the more currency she could gain. We'll have more on that in the tip of the day.

Finally one footnote, Fox News also asked Americans about how they feel after almost eight years of the Obama administration. Just 26 percent feel they are better off now than they were when Barack Obama was elected in 2008.

Says a lot.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly