Hollywood Ad Sympathizes with Christine Ford
September 20, 2018
MoveOn released a new ad that features Hollywood celebrities who are rallying behind Dr. Christine Ford. Their message is that "we believe you." No one other than the people in the room knows what really happened that night because they weren't there. The message that MoveOn is trying to say is that Kavanaugh is guilty even though in this country you are innocent until proven guilty. This type of propaganda is hurting not only Judge Kavanaugh, but his family. Yet these Hollywood women put their faces out there to say that Americans need to believe Dr. Ford. Shouldn't we believe evidence instead of hearsay? Are you a Premium or Concierge Member? If not, you won't be able to watch the No Spin News, so sign up now on BOR.com!
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 3:08 PM
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Hollywood Ad Sympathizes with Christine Ford
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