Bill O'Reilly
May 6, 2016
Presidential Campaign Already Crazy

Yesterday, Cinco de Mayo, Donald Trump tweeted out a picture of himself eating tacos.

Above the picture he said that he loves Hispanics.

Almost immediately the president of the militant organization, La Raza, tweeted out, quote:

"[E]ating a taco or wearing a sombrero doesn't cut it w/ our community in 2016” . . . Trump is “clueless, offensive, and self-promoting."

So, eating a taco on Cinco de Mayo is now offensive?

That's like saying eating corned beef and cabbage on Saint Patrick’s Day and saying you love the Irish is offensive.

That's how insane American culture has become.

On a more serious note, Hillary Clinton had to be shocked when some Hispanic demonstrators in Southern California protested against her.

REPORTER VOICEOVER: “Other organizations joined together for the protest.  They say Clinton has not supported a $15 national minimum wage and has been part of anti-immigration policies including, but not limited to, deporting undocumented children.  They tell us that in other countries Clinton would be considered ’right wing.’”

Again, absolutely insane.  Hillary Clinton certainly has no bias against Hispanic-Americans.

And then there is the political fallout from the Trump victory.

Former Presidents Bush the elder and Bush the younger, presidential candidate Mitt Romney and current Speaker of the House Paul Ryan all will not endorse Donald Trump - at least at this point.

In response, Trump said this:

TRUMP: “I learned yesterday that a couple don't want to endorse me.  I say it doesn't matter.  It makes no difference.  I didn't have huge support in the primary and I blew everyone away."

On the other side, Bernie Sanders, who has no shot to defeat Hillary Clinton, will not pull out of the race as Ted Cruz and John Kasich did.

SCOTT PELLEY, CBS NEWS: “Do we have your word in this interview that you are not going to drop out before the Democratic Convention?"

SANDERS: “Absolutely.  We have made that commitment.  I’m going to be in it until the last vote is cast.”

Senator Sanders certainly has that right, but what's the point?

He has made his point over and over: Wall Street's rigged, billionaires control everything.

Nevertheless, Bernie soldiers on.  The Clinton campaign cannot be pleased.

Finally, President Obama injected himself into the campaign this afternoon, taking shots at Mr. Trump.

Bolling and Rivera will analyze later on.

So it is indeed political madness in the USA.

And believe me it's going to get a lot worse.

And that's the memo.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly