Bill O'Reilly
May 31, 2020
Racial Unrest Mounting, Media Failing the Folks
It is instructive that when covering a complicated story like national racial unrest based on a police killing, Americans cannot even get an accurate picture of what is actually happening.  On television especially, the coverage is dismal because the anchors and commentators are scared witless of saying the wrong thing.  Thus, we have an unending parade of virtue-signaling and anti-American statements that go largely unchallenged.
Monday on the No Spin News, we will have fact-based analysis that will provide some clarity.  To kick that off, I will use this space to set up the situation.
The protests are driven by three separate groups that have basically merged.  The first is inhabited by sincere protestors who believe America does not police the police in a rigorous way and that allows constant law enforcement violence towards African-Americans.  That violence is reflective of “systemic” bias.  That is the belief.
The second group on the streets are criminals who want to steal.  These looters use social media to pick out targets for destruction.  In Los Angeles, SUVs full of thugs are cruising areas looking for opportunities knowing the police department does not have enough officers to stop the carnage.
The third crew are the hardcore anarchists who also use social media to zero in on soft targets.  This is the Antifa movement that is actively trying to destroy the fabric of America. These are ultra-dangerous people who burn and kill with no conscience.
So let me ask you: have you seen or heard those facts reported anywhere?  If the answer is no, ask yourself why.
See you Monday night with honest reporting.  
Posted by Bill O'Reilly