Bill O'Reilly
July 25, 2017
Bill O'Reilly on Chicago Gun Crime

Chicago Gun Crime

On the podcast, Bill said one of the things that angers him the most is when he is called a racist for calling for pointing out problems in the African-American community and proposing solutions.

“I want America to be a place where every single kid can have a decent shot,” Bill said. 

Bill said the best example of racism in America is Chicago’s appalling murder rate. Last weekend six were killed and 35 others were shot, putting the murder rate ahead of 2016’s record-setting pace.

Bill argued that if such crimes were happening in white neighborhoods, there would be a solution. But because the shootings are happening in black neighborhoods, it never gets any better.

“There is a solution, the solution is to put the National Guard in these neighborhoods, to stabilize, alright,” Bill said.  “The gangbangers aren’t going to come out with guns if the National Guard is there.”

Posted by Bill O'Reilly