Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller Discuss Obamacare, Politics, and the NFL
July 28, 2017

Dennis Miller on Obamacare and Politics

Bill next brought Dennis Miller on the program discuss a sound bite from John McCain where the war-hero Senator said that politicians sometimes must ignore pundits and experts for the benefit of helping the people.

Bill asked Miller if McCain had a point.

“I see nothing to that,” Miller said. “I think that Senate chamber and the House has brought this country … well I think it’s crept over into the abyss.” 

Miller noted that what McCain did in the Vietnam War was nobler than anything he’ll ever do, but thought the senator was expressing a silly sentiment. 

Bill acknowledged that there are some “craven” politicians that only vote based on how it will affect their electoral chances. But he also acknowledged that some in the media contribute to a toxic political environment. 

“I think there are ideologues on television and radio who play to a certain crew to make money and who are kind of vicious sometimes, going after people with whom they disagree,” Bill said. “And I think that McCain believes that has an effect on people’s voting.” 

Miller and Bill then discussed whether or not they’ll ever see Republicans and Democrats cooperate during their lifetimes. 

Miller said he didn’t think so, and reminded the audience how the Democrats rammed Obamacare through Congress without the input of Republicans. 

Bill was slightly more optimistic.


Dennis Miller on Head Injuries in the NFL and His Leisure Time

Dennis Miller then joined the program to discuss a new study that says it’s likely that individuals who play tackle football for an extended period of time will develop head injuries. 

Miller said people should be able to choose to play because they know the risks. 

“It seems to me that maybe something could be done to lessen the threat without ruining the game, the impact of the game, pardon the pun,” Bill said. 

Miller said he didn’t think NFL owners really cared about the issue. 

“They want to make money,” Miller said. “They’re going to act like they care about all of this. I don't think they do.”

But he also added that he thought the players knew what they were getting themselves into. 

Bill then asked Miller about his movie-viewing habit. Miller said he has watch about a movie a day for the last ten years, and recommended the film this year called Get Out. 

Bill said he likes old movies like the Sherlock Holmes series from the 1940s, as well as films starring John Wayne. Miller said when he watches old movies, he goes for those starring James Cagney.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 3:00 AM
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Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller Discuss Obamacare, Politics, and the NFL
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