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The O'Reilly Factor - 09/13/2016
The O'Reilly Factor - 09/13/2016
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Product Description
Donald Trump will deliver a primetime speech in Pennsylvania tonight that targets families and women in particular. He'll roll out a plan that would allow parents to deduct child care costs from their income taxes and also guarantee six weeks of paid maternity leave. We'll bring you the speech live and talk to Fox reporters Carl Cameron and Ed Henry about the state of the Trump campaign and if tonight's speech will help to bring in the female vote. We'll also show you some highlights from President Obama on the campaign trail today stumping for Hillary and taking some shots at Mr. Trump. Is it possible Mr. Obama hurts her campaign more than helps? We'll debate it. And in our Factor Followup segment we'll run down the most important swing states up for grabs in November and show you who is in the lead so far.
Title: The O'Reilly Factor Audio Podcast
Download Size: 17 MB
Track Date: 9 AM
Downloads Allowed: 10
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