Bill O'Reilly
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
1. During his interview on Fox News Sunday, President Obama said the single worst mistake of his presidency came in which area?
2. Bernie Sanders won again Saturday, running his streak to seven victories in a row. Where was this latest triumph?
3. Which big-city newspaper has effectively declared war on Donald Trump, printing a mock front page envisioning the horrors of a Trump presidency?
4. According to all polls, which of the five remaining presidential candidates is most widely disliked?
5. New York City, which bans lots of things, has decreed that which product can no longer be consumed at major league baseball games.
6. Bruce Springsteen, protesting a law involving public bathrooms, canceled a weekend concert in which state?
7. Former Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert has been accused of what crime?
8. The late country star Merle Haggard helped create a sound that was named after the city of his birth. Which?
9. Millionaires are moving out of which U.S. city at a faster rate than any other?
10. Danny Willett made news in which sport this weekend?

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